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這好像是shure earphones 的"本尊"

文章發表於 : 週四 3月 18, 2004 9:08 am

文章發表於 : 週四 3月 18, 2004 10:25 am
也有像Etymotic ER-20的東西說~


文章發表於 : 週四 3月 18, 2004 4:09 pm
不會是助聽器吧 :mad:

文章發表於 : 週四 3月 18, 2004 5:11 pm
看到這個的時候為什麼會不認為是Shure幫Westone OEM產品呢?

文章發表於 : 週四 3月 18, 2004 5:26 pm
那個東西叫"ear mode"(耳模), 是助聽器的一部份,
主要是防止漏音造成的回受干擾... (就是印象中的吱吱叫)

文章發表於 : 週四 3月 18, 2004 6:02 pm
且看Don Wilision (Etymotic老闆)怎說...

Well I knew this would eventually come up.
Our custom version of the ER-4P is the Sensaphonics ProPhonic IV. They are the only good sounding professional ear monitors available. There are a many people who use the ER-4's for monitoring.

The Shure products WERE manufactured by Westone. They blew off Westone also, and now Shure has them made in Mexico. Westone must have access to the original mold, and is using it for their UM1.

Fortunately Shure cares more about volume level than they do about quality. They might be considered worse than the Koss inserts. This goes for both versions. I have a pair of each and can post the ugly curves if you want to see them.

The are only two reasons the various companies sell 2 driver monitors. Many musicians are partially deaf, or are used to their very loud stage monitor speakers. The two driver versions can play much louder. The larger transducer (which has about a 4kHz response)can put out up to 136dB SPL undistorted at 1-2kHz!!! All of the monitor headphones I have tried aren't even close to audiophile quality. The other reason is marketing. IF coaxial speakers are good for the car they must be good for headphones, right? WRONG.

The whole purpose of the stage monitors was to help protect the musicians ears.

The reason that Mike Santucci at Sensaphonics sells his units at $650 is because he does baseline hearing tests, and loudness counceling. He also sells custom earmolds with his units. Mike is an Audiologist that is trying to help musicians. We have tried to get him to sell the Prophonic IV for less for groups of people like yourselves who just want the features his version of the ER-4 have.

文章發表於 : 週四 3月 18, 2004 9:04 pm
galileo_c 寫:且看Don Wilision (Etymotic老闆)怎說...
The are only two reasons the various companies sell 2 driver monitors. Many musicians are partially deaf, or are used to their very loud stage monitor speakers. The two driver versions can play much louder. The larger transducer (which has about a 4kHz response)can put out up to 136dB SPL undistorted at 1-2kHz!!! All of the monitor headphones I have tried aren't even close to audiophile quality. The other reason is marketing. IF coaxial speakers are good for the car they must be good for headphones, right? WRONG.

這裡看起來好像在說 Shure 的 E5c,如果我沒會錯意的話,
Don Wilision認為 :「E5c 只是大聲而已,音質很糟糕,頻率
響應差,甚至不如Koss inserts(The Plug?),E5c的高低音

剛好我有 E5c 和 The Plug,E5c確實特大聲(這的確頗困擾我),
接上 SB Digital Music,E5c和The Plug聽起來的感覺蠻像的,

但是將 E5c 串個 Koka VR 後(聽E200 Pocket PC: Dab),馬上
生龍活虎起來,比 PortaPro或 PX200 都好聽。(傷不傷耳朵就
不知道了/The Plug目前我還沒覺得好聽過)

沒想到 Don Wilision 對 Koss inserts(The Plug?)的評價這麼
高… 或者說這麼不喜歡 E5c。

不曉得同時有 E5c 和 ER-4 的人覺得如何?E5c 真的這麼糟嗎?
如果 Don Wilision 所言屬實,那麼我對 ER-4 又有更高的期待了,
那ER-4真是聲音天堂中的天堂 :o

文章發表於 : 週四 3月 18, 2004 10:20 pm
sm91kimo 寫:
galileo_c 寫:且看Don Wilision (Etymotic老闆)怎說...
The are only two reasons the various companies sell 2 driver monitors. Many musicians are partially deaf, or are used to their very loud stage monitor speakers. The two driver versions can play much louder. The larger transducer (which has about a 4kHz response)can put out up to 136dB SPL undistorted at 1-2kHz!!! All of the monitor headphones I have tried aren't even close to audiophile quality. The other reason is marketing. IF coaxial speakers are good for the car they must be good for headphones, right? WRONG.

這裡看起來好像在說 Shure 的 E5c,如果我沒會錯意的話,
Don Wilision認為 :「E5c 只是大聲而已,音質很糟糕,頻率
響應差,甚至不如Koss inserts(The Plug?),E5c的高低音

剛好我有 E5c 和 The Plug,E5c確實特大聲(這的確頗困擾我),
接上 SB Digital Music,E5c和The Plug聽起來的感覺蠻像的,

但是將 E5c 串個 Koka VR 後(聽E200 Pocket PC: Dab),馬上
生龍活虎起來,比 PortaPro或 PX200 都好聽。(傷不傷耳朵就
不知道了/The Plug目前我還沒覺得好聽過)

沒想到 Don Wilision 對 Koss inserts(The Plug?)的評價這麼
高… 或者說這麼不喜歡 E5c。

不曉得同時有 E5c 和 ER-4 的人覺得如何?E5c 真的這麼糟嗎?
如果 Don Wilision 所言屬實,那麼我對 ER-4 又有更高的期待了,
那ER-4真是聲音天堂中的天堂 :o

聲音這種東西的喜好是很主觀的,寫評論的人也免不了有他自己的主觀因素存在,所以評論看看就好了,找到自己喜歡的聲音最重要 :ho:

BTW,加上這是Shure競爭對手Etymotic老闆放出來的話所以在公正性上是差了一點點啦 :mad:

文章發表於 : 週五 3月 19, 2004 1:22 am
我想don是不忿Shure的行徑罷... :mad:

文章發表於 : 週五 3月 19, 2004 10:42 am
沒記錯Don Wilson是工程師...

好像搞了好幾年下來也沒弄出啥成果來就是.... :x


文章發表於 : 週五 3月 19, 2004 9:55 pm

文章發表於 : 週五 3月 19, 2004 9:59 pm
foo 寫:我同意ER4比E5c好聽不少

愈來愈想買 ER-4 了… :o
