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請問, 用 LC-iCute 推 HD 600

文章發表於 : 週五 8月 23, 2002 2:50 am
前些日子在 Musicians gear 買了一支 HD 600. 為此打算在九月中左右添購一台耳擴搭配. 看了許多板上的討論, 目前暫時屬意 LC-iCute. 但是礙於現在人在國外, 有些資料不好找, 故而直接請教板上有經驗的先進們.

1. iCute 有沒有成品?
我沒有電子工程的背景, 所以沒有 DIY 的打算. 不知在音悅或在其他的地方, 能不能買到 iCute 的成品. 音悅的網站說 iCute 一台2500. 不知指的是不是成品.

2. 在音悅的 iCute 網頁下端, 有提到推薦的 OP, 不知道如果要用來推 HD 600 的話, 那一個 OP 比較合適? 再者, 如果要為 HD 600 最佳化的話, 該怎麼做?


文章發表於 : 週五 8月 23, 2002 3:24 am
音悅賣的是成品機沒錯 , 買回家後插電即可
最佳化的話請音悅幫你改成FOR 高阻抗的 , 300圓
OP 可以用OPA2227P 試試:haha:

HI-END = 嗨 ! END

文章發表於 : 週五 8月 23, 2002 10:26 am
音悅賣的是成品機沒錯 , 買回家後插電即可
最佳化的話請音悅幫你改成FOR 高阻抗的 , 300圓
OP 可以用OPA2227P 試試:haha:

HI-END = 嗨 ! END
了解, 感激不盡 :)

文章發表於 : 週五 8月 23, 2002 5:52 pm
Tai Lan Liu

文章發表於 : 週五 8月 23, 2002 5:54 pm
Tai Lan Liu
LC icute for HD600 最佳化, 應改那些部分?

文章發表於 : 週六 8月 24, 2002 6:54 am
Don't forget the voltage for U.K. is 220v.:keepto:

I'm in the U.K. too, Could you tell me how much for your HD600?
I want to buy one too. I found one in the askdirect website only about £120. (quite cheap..:sing:)..

文章發表於 : 週一 8月 26, 2002 8:40 pm
Don't forget the voltage for U.K. is 220v.:keepto:

I'm in the U.K. too, Could you tell me how much for your HD600?
I want to buy one too. I found one in the askdirect website only about £120. (quite cheap..:sing:)..

I bought my HD 600 from musicians gear. It costs me 160 pounds plus shipping and German tax. Though it may seem reasonable compare to the price in Taiwan, it's certainly over priced in compare to Ask Direct. Often, I wonder why ask direct can offer such price. They sell HD 600 for 120 pounds and Sony NetMD N1 for 200 pounds. Are other stores making to much?

Actually, I have been trying to find the price for HD 600 for a while, and I think Ask direct is probably the best deal of the world so far.

I don't think I'll invest too much on headphone amp at this very moment. As the consequence, iCute appear to be the best deal I can think of. Otherwsie I'll probably get Musical Fidelity X-Can, it's 150 include ta.Superbly suits HD 600. And after tax return it's a lot cheaper than getting it in Taiwan. In addition, it uses AC power, so votage is not a problem at all.

But again, relatively resonable priced doesn't mean affordable. Money matters. :cry:

Thank to big-head, he told me about ask direct. I think I'll probably go to London to get another HD 600 and sell my musicians gear one (it's still brand new). I'm sure even 200 pounds will be hot on ebay or so.