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文章發表於 : 週一 5月 10, 2010 9:30 pm
Peace Dove
我的訊源為CD隨身聽及IAUDIO 9,平常直推HD600只能算差強人意 :x ,想請教諸位網兄有無適合HD600的隨身耳擴 :bow:

Re: 適合HD600的隨身耳擴

文章發表於 : 週二 5月 11, 2010 12:10 am
隨身耳擴 最強應該就是LISA III了吧

Re: 適合HD600的隨身耳擴

文章發表於 : 週二 5月 11, 2010 2:03 am
tangcc 寫:隨身耳擴 最強應該就是LISA III了吧


拿來當家機都沒問題了 :mad:







Level 1:

Triad Audio Lisa III @ $600.00; Power supply is $350 additional

MST Fi.Quest, @ $450 (Review here)

Ray Samuels Audio The Protector (in BALANCED mode only), @ $475 (Review here)

Level 2:

Qables iQube @ $605.00
RSA Mustang P-51 (review here) @ $375.00
Larocco Audio Pocket Reference II mk 2 (availability unknown - PLEASE read entire review)

Level 3:

Headamp Pico @ $349.00
Meier Audio 2MOVE (and the older MOVE) (3MOVE @ $270.00)
iBasso Audio D4 Mamba @ $219 (Review Here )
RSA SR71 @ $395.00 (original SR71, not the SR71A)
RSA The Predator @ $475.00
RSA The Hornet “M” @ $370.00

Level 4:

Decware Zenhead @ $295.00
Xenos 1HA-EPC (discontinued)
RSA Tomahawk @ $295.00
Meier Audio XXS / Headsix @ $166.00/187.00

Level 5:

TTVJ Portable Millet Hybrid @ $459.00
iBasso D3 Python $219.00 (review here)
Xin Reference @ $279.99
Meier Audio Porta Corda III (discontinued)
Xin SuperMicro IV (current version auditioned 1/22/08) @ $199.99

Level 6:

ALO Double Mini3 (review here) @ $235.00
Headamp AE-2 @ $349.00
Graham Slee Voyager @ $233.00 + S&H from UK
Linearrosa W3 @ $299 (review here )
Leckerton Audio UHA-6S @ $309 (review Here )
iBasso D2 Boa $165.00 (review here)
Go-Vibe 7
Mini3 (Price depends on build) built @ $125.00

Level 7:

Leckerton Audio UHA-3 @ $189.00
iBasso T3 @ $119.00 (Review here)
Portaphile V2^2 @ $275.00
Linearrosa W1 (review here )
mSeed Spirit (discontinued)
Mini-Box E @ $229.00
Storm 3 (NOT B3) (review here)
Storm Little-2 (review here)

Level 7:

Storm B4
Visely HEA-4 @ $149.00 (Review here)
iBasso P-1 (discontinued)
Visely HEA- 1 @ $135.00

Microshar uAmp107 @ $135.00
Practical Devices XM4 @ $135.00
C&C XO @ $209.00

Level 8:

Music Max LT1 $99 (Review here)
iBasso T2 (T4@ $109.00)
NuForce $99 (review here)
Go-Vibe 6 (discontinued)
Xtra X-1 Pro @ $104.00
Xenos 0HA-REP (discontinued)

iBasso T1 (discontinued)
Xtra X-1 (discontinued)
C&C Box V2
Storm B3
Little Dot Micro+ (discontinued)