由 klin988 發表於 週四 11月 13, 2014 8:54 am
I have an Asus Xonar card and I'm experiencing problems...
Asus Xonar cards are infamous for their buggy drivers. We recommend getting a soundcard from another manufacturer instead.
If you're running foobar2000 older than 1.1.10, please update - version 1.1.10 introduces workarounds for certain known Xonar bugs.
訊源Samsung Note8、TEAC HA-P90SD
耳機Apple earpods,耳道Sony MDR-EX650ap,耳罩HIFIMAN HE400i
大部份聽的音源是 wav檔16bit 44.1khz,24bit 176.4khz(SACD ISO轉檔)
很喜歡聽演唱會,有一組家庭劇院Sony BDV-N8100W專門聽藍光演唱會。