[請益] wireworld 和 audioquest usb 線材的比較

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[請益] wireworld 和 audioquest usb 線材的比較

文章amabel 發表於 週二 7月 27, 2010 9:10 pm

有人比較過wireworld 和 audioquest usb 線材的差別嗎?

wireworld 和audioquest usb 線材哪裡可以買的到呢?

文章: 15
註冊時間: 週三 5月 16, 2007 10:40 am

Re: [請益] wireworld 和 audioquest usb 線材的比較

文章AMG 發表於 週二 7月 27, 2010 10:08 pm

wireworld !!

好久不見的高檔貨 現在是誰代理阿!???
文章: 20
註冊時間: 週一 1月 21, 2008 10:33 am

Re: [請益] wireworld 和 audioquest usb 線材的比較

文章lfc555 發表於 週四 7月 29, 2010 1:38 pm



可惜沒有標示是否支援 USB 3.0


AudioQuest Diamond USB Data Cable: 0.75m 要定價 19900

:poorcry: :bigcry:

Product Information

Designed to get the most out of Mac or PC based audio, AudioQuest USB cables combine superior metals, cable geometry & insulation. By eliminating interference from the USB power conductors, these elements prevent the uncorrectable corruption of audio data along the signal conductors.

SOLID CONDUCTORS: All of Diamond USB’s conductors are solid. Electrical and magnetic interaction between strands in a conventional cable is the greatest source of distortion, often causing a somewhat dirty, harsh sound. Solid conductors are the most important ingredient enabling Diamond USB’s very clear sound.

PERFECT-SURFACE SILVER (PSS): Diamond USB’s Perfect Surface Silver (PSS) has an astonishingly smooth and pure surface. Proprietary metal processing technology protects the wire’s surface at every stage of drawing and fabrication. When high-purity low-oxide copper is kept as soft, pure and smooth as possible, it becomes the wonderfully low distortion PSC conductor used in many AudioQuest models. Beginning the same process with ultra pure copper makes possible PSC+ copper’s even more focused and free-flowing sound. PSS’s extreme transparency is made possible by applying Perfect Surface Technology to ultra pure solid silver. For fifteen years AudioQuest has pioneered the use of superior metals; yet even we were surprised by the huge leap in performance made possible with Perfect Surface Technology. PSC and PSC+ simply outperform all previously available metals at any price. PSS is the ultimate example of how far this remarkable technology can take us.

DIELECTRIC BIAS SYSTEM (DBS) (US patent 7,126,055): Greatly improved performance is made possible by a constant 72 volt charge on all Diamond USB’s insulation.
Similar to how the earth’s magnetic field makes all compasses point north, the AQ DBS system creates an electrostatic field which causes the molecules of the insulation to all point in the same direction. This minimizes the multiple nonlinear time-delays. Sound appears from a surprisingly black background with unexpected detail and dynamic contrast. Because DBS battery packs are attached when Diamond USB cables are assembled, Diamond USB does not require any additional run-in period. Because there is no “load” on the easily replaceable batteries, they will last for years. A test button and LED allow for occasional verification of battery performance.

Low jitter, low distortion audio.

Signal conductors controlled for digital audio direction
尊重聲音 專心聽音樂吧 :D
A 幫主 老早就有指示. 一天到晚換器材的人不是玩音響. 只是被音響玩 !!
文章: 133
註冊時間: 週二 8月 22, 2006 9:49 am
來自: 台北

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