由 quillmane 發表於 週三 7月 06, 2011 6:23 pm
很快的原廠回信了, Alex Rosson回的(他是老闆之一)
他說他們在6月的時候由於必須尋找新的震膜供應商, 剛好6月初發現新材質後他們決定採用
We were not planning on updating the driver but as of June we had to find a new supplier of the diaphragm material. So there is now way we could have planned for this or informed anyone. Since we found the material in the beginning of June we are offering the replacement to those who purchased in June.
Why change it suddenly ?
A couple of reasons. We have developed new diaphragm material that offered several benefits over the existing material. We decided to pass along the improvements to customers. The issues we had with some older stock gave us the impetus to move to the new diaphragm quicker than expected.
大家可以自行看看, 說法明顯自相矛盾, 這邊的說法是"已研發出"新材質, 由於某些舊震膜庫存的問題, 所以促使他們提早換成新材質
他保證每一隻出產的LCD-2都是最好聲的, 不論舊震膜or新震膜
-------------------------------------------------------------------------那他官網上新震膜聲音優於舊震膜的宣言都是屁囉? 他明明公告說新震膜的聲音大大優於舊震膜, 尤其是那句結論"If you loved the LCD-2 sonic signature, you will like the new one even more." 光這句就無法說服我在原廠眼裡, 我手上的耳機跟rev.2會一樣好聲, 不是他試圖欺騙我, 就是他試圖欺騙大眾
我只覺得Audez'e這家廠商的誠信很有問題, 說話反反覆覆; 他大可跟我說一些他們無法承受震膜更換的麻煩&損失, 而不是這些543的官話
其實提出合理價位換震膜的方案我們顧客都可以諒解, 只是他們可能要人工而且賺不到錢, 但賺到的企業形象是無價的, 如果永遠以小廠格局思考, 永遠不會變成大廠的
舊版聲音配上Q audio依舊很好, 很吸引我, 但是戴上耳機的那一刻, 我的感覺跟以前已經不一樣了
quillmane 於 週五 7月 08, 2011 12:39 am 編輯,總共編輯了 4 次。
訊源: Playback Designs MPT-8 + MPD-8;Esoteric Grandioso K1x + PS1 gold limit
耳擴: Stax SRM-T8000; Trafomatic Audio Primavera; Luxman P-750u LIMITED
耳機: Stax SR-009s; Kennerton THROR; ATH L5000
電源處理: Burmester 948